Darcey should have known from the start that it was the beginning of something special. After all, how often does a horse smile -- and then bow? But at the time, all she could see was that her driveway was in ruins -- and that this weird horse and his owner, Brent Ferguson, were to blame. So what if Brent was the handsomest man to hit North Carolina in a decade? From Darcey's experience, men were nothing but trouble, and this man had already proved her point.
But no one can resist Brent -- or Poncho -- for long. Before Darcey knows it, they have wormed their way into her heart...along with Sam, Brent's daughter, a collie named Rajah, and Slim the snake. Within weeks Summerset Farm has changed from a quiet, lonely parcel of land into a home. Darcey could all too easily see Brent and Sam as permanent fixtures. But Brent's position with the park service ends in August, and he has his university job to return to. Darcey's afraid that the magic is about to come to an end...