From the first moment Colonel Polanski met Eliza, he fell in love. She was so enchanting and ready for love. Thus, the colonel went a bit farther than he was supposed to. He hoped to take her with him once she finished her schooling. Sadly, he soon discovered she also had a magnificent brain and was to continue her studies for many more years.That was the plan until Eliza was beaten brutally by what she thought were her classmates. Too injured to leave her bed, she continues to worsen and only one girl tries to help her. The other girls feared they would be blamed for her injuries, so they carried her from the dorm room and tossed her in a ravine.Once Colonel Polanski passes his psyche evaluation, proving he had not stolen the fabulous young woman that he had made love to the day before, he leads the efforts to find her. While he locates her quickly, Eliza is in a very weakened state and dies on the operating table. Fortunately, the doctors were able to revive her.In what appears to be a severe punishment, the colonel and his men are sent to the worst outpost in the entire Corp. While the men he brings with him are superb, the men currently in this fort are horrible. However, they'll soon learn they only have two choices: become proper soldiers or feed the bears.Colonel Lanski's priorities are to protect the two young women with special talents and the great many talented male fliers that MAC sends to him.To help keep them safer, MAC provides them all with new names and in Eliza's case, she gets a whole new face.When Colonel Lanski first arrives at the fort, he discovers the situation is in far worse disarray than he imagined, The Alaskan natives are in uproar, thousands of polar bears are attacking his fort, and the Czech Drug Cartel is their closest neighbor. Even as he tackles all these dangers, he cannot forget the worst enemy: Those within his own Corp who are trying to kill these fabulous youths solely because they are far superior than a normal human.