NAMED ONE OF USA TODAY'S BEST READS OF 2022“Discovering you're fiercer than you ever dreamed!” -- Abbi WaxmanMoving to a new town is hard enough to navigate even without the challenges of the tween years, the mean girls, and the helicopter neighbors.When single mom Ginny remarries and moves with her quirky daughter from Queens to a leafy, beautiful suburb in New Jersey, she has no idea what she's getting into. Though she's never been impressed by material things, she is thrilled that getting a second chance at love comes with the added bonus of finally giving eleven-year-old Harri everything she never could before.
And then she meets the neighbors. Including the woman who has her eye on Ginny's new husband...
“We need Lisa Roe's side-eye on a fresh start for everyone, with neighbors who put it all at risk.” -- ANN GARVIN,
USA Today bestselling author of
I Thought You Said This Would Work“A story about keeping one's feet firmly planted while simultaneously dreaming big.” -- KATHLEEN WEST, author of
Are We There Yet?