Join Siri on an enchanting journey with her extraordinary dog, Apollo, who arrived on Earth through a portal from the Sirius Star System! Together, they embark on secret missions, laughter-filled adventures, and share an unbreakable bond that defies even the boundaries of life and death. When Apollo returns as a glowing guide from the stars, Siri discovers magical realms and the true power of love that lasts forever.Perfect for children ages 6-10, this heartwarming story features beautifully illustrated pages that bring to life the wonders of magical planets, guardian spirits, and a friendship that shines across the universe. A tale of adventure, hope, and endless love, it also gently helps children cope with the loss of a beloved pet, offering comfort and the reassurance that love never truly illustrated pages that bring to life the wonders of magical planets, guardian spirits, and a friendship that shines across the universe. A tale of adventure, hope, and endless love, it also gently helps children cope with the loss of a beloved pet, offering comfort and the reassurance that love never truly fades. , laughter-filled adventures, and share an unbreakable bond that defies even the boundaries of life and death. When Apollo returns as a glowing guide from the stars, Siri discovers magical realms and the true power of love that lasts forever.Perfect for children ages 6-10, this heartwarming story features beautifully illustrated pages that bring to life the wonders of magical planets, guardian spirits, and a friendship that shines across the universe. A tale of adventure, hope, and endless love, it also gently helps children cope with the loss of a beloved pet, offering comfort and the reassurance that love never truly fades.