I looked into his blue eyes, at times so intense, at times so mischievous, he was happy I could tell. How many times had I looked into those eyes and seen other things? My thoughts raced back to when we first met. I could see him in his room playing guitar. I remembered the angle of his face and his longe blonde hair. What had he played? I reached back. Oh yeah. Classical Gas. 'Have you ever heard it?' he had asked. We had come such a long way. He put his hands on both sides of my face and tilted his head slowly to the side. I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine remembering how much I could want him. My body tingled in anticipation.
Set in the seventies, in a time when sex, drugs, and rock and roll were abundant, Morgan falls hard for the leader of a rock band, Mathew.This is by no means your typical, predictable, Cinderella story. It is at times edgy and raw, and other times touching.