Seventeen years ago, Ainsley Tidwell's young life was shattered upon her discovery of the body of her murdered cousin, Carly. Now Carly's sister Sabrina is missing, and Ainsley returns to Dahlonega, Georgia for the first time since the homicide that tore her family apart. Ainsley must face the ghosts of her past as she tries to repair her present relationship with her remaining family, including Ben Paulson, the county sheriff â€" who isn't too keen on having his criminal defense attorney cousin nosing around his investigation. Especially not when Ainsley inadvertently hooks up with Callum Elias, Ben's high school nemesis and a man with a questionable past. With Cal's help, Ainsley begins to piece together the connection between Carly's murder and Sabrina's disappearance â€" a connection that grows stronger as a chain of violent events suggests that someone in Dahlonega is getting very nervous. As Cal and Ainsley's relationship heats up, the cold case which has haunted her family for so long shows distinct signs of thawing. But can they solve the mystery â€" and find Sabrina â€" before the killer claims another victim?