From k-9th grade, Zara attended Brewster Acad-emy, a k12 school for students with learning dis-abilities. Even though she did not have the looks, she had the kind and genuine spirit and heart that made her the most popular girl in her grade, as well as one of the most popular girls in school. Even when Zara left for Los Angeles the summer before tenth grade to film her show, she, to this day, is infamous and widely known for her great acting, and most impor-tantly for her good and genuine heart around her school. Even after she left, Zara still remained close to her best friends, Zack and Zoe, everyone in their graduat-ing class, as well as the plethora of good friends that she had at school. On a different note, this is a great thing, due to the fact that Zara is, unbe-knowst to her best friends and good friends, she is back home in Dallas, and will be returning to Brewster for her senior year.