For a moment, no one said any-thing. How could Maria do this to us? Didn't she under-stand that it was vital and man-datory that she sing her solo? Didn't Maria also under-stand that if she did not sing, it would put the team in danger of having to forfeit? After all, one of the require-ments of com-peting was that some-one from each Honor choir had to sing a solo. “Are you serious, Miss Bree?”“Unfort-unately, I am.” Trying not to panic, Miss Bree contin-ued, “Unless we can find a soloist in two minutes, we will have to forfeit.” For a second time, the room went silent. It was obvious that every-one was trying to con-vince them-selves to be the bigger person and take the stand. How-ever, they were having trouble doing that.“Miss Bree, I'll take her place.” Haven volunteered, confi-dently. “Besides the solo being one of my all-time favorite songs, I also happen to know it by heart.”