Rough day, huh, sweet-ie? A kind looking bald girl, who was obvious-ly my new room-mate, sitting on the bed besides my new one.Yes, Ma'am. I reply, gently, knowing that the girl was only trying to be kind. How could you tell?Your eyes are blood-shot red, which indi-cates that you have been crying a lot, and haven't gotten much sleep.The girl replied, hitting it on the nose. If you don't mind me asking, what cancer do you have, and when did you find out?I found out on Thurs-day that I have cervical cancer. I replied. On that same day, I found out that I needed to get transferr-ed and checked into this pediatric cancer hospital as soon as possi-ble. I'm scared, angry, hurt, and so many other emo-tions right now.I know how you feel, because that is how I felt when I first got checked in here six months ago for Leukem-ia. The girl said, gently, walking over to me, Gently putting her hand on my should-er, the girl said, I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but speak-ing from exper-ience, it will get better.Thank you so much for listening and giving good advice. I said, wiping a tear from my eye. What is your name?Alex. The girl smiled at me. What's about you?Greta. I smiled. Greta Kee-gan.