Against the backdrop of the French and Indian War, as the French and the English fight for a divided land, unholy alliances are forged, and love is daring and bold...
She is his enemy -- a British beauty of fire and innocence. Alain Beaujeu abducts Tamson Steward and carries her into enemy territory, determined to use her in his plan to restore his exiled family to their rightful lands. But he is unprepared for the passion she awakens, a passion that will change both their lives and sweep them into a forbidden liaison.
United by desire, divided by blood, Tamson and Alain live through days of unspeakable danger and nights of incomparable rapture. But soon, in the deceptive safety of Canada, Tamson will face an even more desperate peril -- forcing her to choose between loyalty to her heritage and her shining passion for her enemy and dearest love