A devastating trauma and near-fatal accident steals a young woman's memory, thrusting her into an unfamiliar world of glittering privilege, bitter rivalries, and dangerous desire...
When she wakes up in the hospital, everyone recognizes her as Amanda Farraday, the selfish socialite wife of Dr. Brent Farraday -- scion of one of Chicago's most presitgious families. But the woman's clouded memory cannot recall the glamorous life of dazzling gowns, jet-setting friends and sordid infidelities. Nor can she understand why her handsome, desirable husband detests her.
As she acts to regain the trust of her family, a powerful passion for the husband who shares her bed begins to take hold. But just when she starts to piece her life back together, a devastating discovery shatters her illusion of happiness and smashes her world to bits.
Now she must fight to uncover the terrible truth of her past -- or lose her heart's deepest desire....