Have you ever thought about the consequences of several depraved human beings paths crossing? Has it ever scared the life out of you when you think about society today and the consequences of some of its citizens? Gut Instinct brings to life the often horrifying results.A serial killer contrary to the norm, a psychotherapist that runs away from her own murky history like she is fleeing a tsunami. A murder squad team with dark memoirs and hidden secrets and an egotistical head of homicide that needs his team's adulation and relies on a rapidly becoming dysfunctional gut. That's not forgetting the deprived lives of the vulnerable victims. This is an exciting and fast paced thrill ride with a sequence of amusing, sadistically sad and alarming events that lead to an unexpected twist in the tale. Gut Instinct is a psychological thriller with a unique and daring twist. It's characters are sympathetic and believable. It is an unforgettable novel which will leave you pondering the outcome for some time after putting the book down.With this author's professional background, keen insight into human nature and ability to surprise the reader she is able to deliver.