An archer's bow clutched in her delicate hands, Leandra of Lyonesse paced the castle's battlements. With her kingdom besieged by brigands, she had accepted the proposal of a powerful, older earl who could protect her homeland. But young in years, schooled more in fighting than in flirting, and woefully ignorant of how a woman pleases a husband, Leandra feared this marriage could never succeed without help. So she secretly obtained a tiny vial ... containing a potent potion of love.
Handsome Sir Garrett Bernay was enraged that, instead of fighting beside the king, he was escorting Lady Leandra to wed his liege lord. That the lady ordered her soldiers to fire on his ship by mistake had not improved his disposition, nor did the fact that her lovely eyes flashed with emerald fire. Garrett valued honor above all, and he believed no power on earth could make him steal even one tender kiss.
It was meant to seal a marriage, but the mists of fate were swirling around Lady Leandra and Sir Garrett. Now the elixir brewed to bind two hearts forever swept a knight and a lady toward a rendezvous with desire ... and to a destiny decreed by an irresistible love.