With hair as bright as flame and eyes as cool as silver, Cassandra Delaney is changeable, unpredictable, and a perfect spy. Her brother, Harte, has sided with the hated Yankees, but Cassandra is the notorious "White Rose," risking her life and honor for the Confederacy in a desperate flirtation with death...
Derek Courtland, rakehell Australian blockade runner, possesses an uncanny ability to perceive danger, but on this mission his every sense is taut, his blood on fire. His job is to abduct the mysterious, sensual woman known as "White Rose" to Australia to save her pretty neck. Only she is fighting him, body and soul, to escape his ship and the powerful feelings pulling them both toward the unknown...
Now, under star-splashed skies, the ocean rising and plunging beneath them, a man who can see through deception and a woman who is an expert at lies are being swept away on a perilous voyage to a distant, seductive land...and to the far more dangerous territory of deep, fathomless love.