From the moment Bentley North walked into Reid Hunter's office, she knew the man was trouble... Although he was the head of Maverick Enterprises, one of Houston's most successful corporations, he reminded her of a gunslinging desperado, a hard-driving man who always got what he wanted. Eager to land the job in Maverick's legal department, Bentley wasn't scared off by her showdown with Hunter. A good attorney always respected a worthy adversary and Hunter was a master opponent.
Once Bentley landed the job, the real battle began. Every time she encountered her boss, Bentley found her mind wandering from business to thoughts of pleasure. How would it feel to run her fingers through his mahogany hair? To brush her lips over his hard, stern mouth? To rest in the warmth of his embrace?
Not one to mix business with pleasure, Bentley forced herself to concentrate on the law. She had to play the cool attorney when they talked shop over dinner. She had to keep her distance when they traveled together on business. She had to protect herself from falling in love with a corporate desperado -- a man who could shoot her down and steal her heart with a single kiss.