Betrayed by family, sustained by love, strengthened by faith...
The courageous Nicklas Valentin is pulling off the masquerade of the century. As a decorated knight of Spain and the son of a powerful Spanish viceroy, he commands the respect of Spanish nobles and the obedience of the soldiers. But as the dashing English pirate Bruce Hawkins, he has the affection and loyalty of his men and the heart of the beautiful Devora Ashby.
Claiming to have killed the pirate Bruce Hawkins, Nicklas returns home to a hero's welcome and his lovely bride-to-be. But treachery threatens his daring plans for a last raid, and his father's passion forces Devora to face love's ultimate challenge. With high-spirited courage, flashing swords, and the power of truth, Devora and Nicklas fight for honor and love -- and discover that hope and deliverance lie in their faith in the Lord.
Their love was kindled on the high seas in Captive Heart.
Strong spirits kept their love alive in Silver Dreams.
Now they face the greatest test of their love and faith...