Inspired by the tale of The Emperor's New Clothes, a hot historical romance novella from the acclaimed Fiery Tales series that would have made Hans Christian Andersen blush.
There is a certain gorgeous lord who is quite difficult to resist...To save her cousin, Aimee de Miran must retrieve a jeweled ring from the most sinfully seductive man at court, the unsuspecting Marquis de Nattes. But to search his considerable wardrobe she'll have to get very close to the notorious rake...and remain immune to his intoxicating charm.
But without his clothes--well, that's simply impossible.Adam de Vey, Marquis de Nattes, has secretly burned for his best friend's wife for years. Now that Aimee is a widow, now that he's discovered her in his bedchambers, he intends to get very close to her indeed--with his clothes--and hers--utterly forgotten...
***Originally published in THE PRINCESS IN HIS BED anthology.