The bawling of the longhorns, the lonesome night watch beneath a vast, starry sky -- they got into a man's blood until he knew there was nothing better than the life of a cowboy...except the love of a good woman.
Hawk and Zeke had been inseparable ever since boyhood -- two loners, outsiders, as free as the wild horses they chased across the Arizona desert. So when they joined up with two misplaced dancehall girls on the trail, they reacted about the same way as unbroken mustangs to the saddle. Kicking and bucking at every step of the way, the bachelors were gentled by soft touches and warm caresses until each found himself riding the range with a brand-new partner.
Hero: Hawk Maxwell
Heroine: Suzette Chatingy
Hero: Zeke Maxwell
Heroine: Josie Morgan