In the magnificent third installment of the internationally bestselling Bäckström series, the irascible detective becomes entangled in an investigation with -- incredibly -- strange ties to Tsar Nicholas II, Winston Churchill, and Vladimir Putin. A Vintage Crime/Black Lizard Original.
Murder isn't often good news. But when DS Evert Backström is told that Thomas Eriksson -- a mafia lawyer and renowned defender of the guilty -- has been killed, he can't help but celebrate, perhaps with a little vodka. Bäckström's good mood is spoiled, however, when he's assigned to the frustrating case, as narrowing down the list of people who wanted Eriksson dead is almost impossible. It's miles long! Fortunately, Backström has spent years cultivating a group of questionable acquaintances and shady associates who will prove invaluable in solving the crime -- as long as his colleagues don't find out about these illicit connections, or that Backström owes them a few favors. But even the dirtiest cop couldn't have predicted that this trail would lead to a priceless Fabergé music box created for Tsar Nicholas II, with a history as notorious as it is singular.