When the daughter of a politically connected CEO is found dead in her car off the Maine coast, her father wants the best investigation money can buy.
He demands that Brigid Ashbury determine the cause of death: was it a simple car crash or did someone force his daughter off the road? For the country's premiere accident reconstructionist, it should be an open and shut case.
Except for one minor problem: Brigid is afraid of cars.
While struggling to overcome her motorphobia, the result of her own recent collision, Brigid is trying to determine whether this really was an accident. A wealthy family, a possible kidnapping and questions of inheritance muddy the waters. The prime suspect, Aaron White, is the boyfriend of the dead girl's sister. He even admits to sleeping with the victim...twice...but insists he didn't kill her.
Determined to keep her suspect close, Brigid enlists Aaron as her chauffeur. And although he may be trying to seduce Brigid (and everyone else in his path) they do make a good team. But if they're going to crack this case, Brigid must first get herself back on the road to recovery.