GARTH--An Irresistible Bad Boy Who Was Definitely Out of Her League...
Everything about Garth Pendleton was a dare, from the gaze that warned Erin Lindsey not to play with his fire to the soft, sexy voice that mesmerized her senses and tempted her to walk on the wild side! His touch made her sizzle, reminded her she was a woman, a sensual volcano ready to erupt. Garth couldn't help hoping she was a little bit wicked, and wondered if her mouth tasted as good as it looked.
All His Edges Were Rough
Dizzied by waves of pleasure she'd never known before, touched by his kindness to her son, Erin trembled at the danger of caring for a man whose darkest secret was tangled with her own shadowed past. Garth felt he'd waited for Erin forever, wanted to give her back her lost dreams, but if she knew the pain that haunted him, would the woman who'd slipped inside his lonely heart cherish him always?