HOME The Story Of Our Family Tree is a fictional heartwarming tale based on actual events of the popular Bald Eagles Harriet, Ozzie, M15 and E9 from SW Florida. Meet Harriet as she endures her heartbreak over her Ozzie and develops a relationship with M15. Enjoy the eagles as they start a family with a lighthearted and whimsical voice similar to human family life. Get to know the eaglets, E6, E7 and E8 and see how becoming an eagle is full of lessons to be learned. Don't forget the star of the nest tree, E9. Join the young eagle as he learns life lessons, makes friends and dances and sings his way into so many hearts. Laugh and cry with E9 on his journey from hatchling to majestic juvenile eagle. Let this amazing family capture your heart as they go through raising a family much like your own, except with feathers.