An unlikely duo is paired together in this doggone entertaining mystery that turns snooping on its floppy ear. Dr. Jane Catson, a surgeon injured in the Cat Wars, has her afternoon nap interrupted as Sherlock Bones, a Great Dane in a deerstalker, arrives claiming to be the greatest detective in the world. Catson has her doubts but then the monstrously-sized creature makes an even more astonishing claim . . . he has come to live with her. Before Catson can collect her thoughts into an intelligent rebuttal, Sherlock Bones has made himself quite at home placing his gigantic food and water dishes next to hers and inventing things like a jetpack for Catson's Castilian housekeeper-cook. But there's no time for protest. The great detective and Dr. Catson have caught themselves their first case: a suspiciously dead human in a nearby abandoned building. Can Sherlock Bones and Dr. Catson crack the case before the killer strikes again?