A chilling, suspenseful psychological drama in the tradition of Shari Lapena and Liane Moriarty, by the Edgar and ITW Thriller Award nominated author Laura Benedict.
What if you came home to find a stranger living in your house?
Kimber Hannon imagines she has complete control over her life, until she comes home to find that her house key no longer opens her front door. A man is living in her house. A stranger, who presents a lease bearing Kimber's own signature. When she confronts him, he gets close enough to whisper, "I was there. I saw what you did."
Those words reveal a connection to Kimber's distant past, before her sister's sudden death more than twenty years ago. Her fear abruptly shifts.
This trespasser knows her somehow. He isn't after anything as simple as her money or artwork or charming Craftsman bungalow. He wants to come into her carefully orchestrated life--and destroy it.
Kimber has always been ruthless when it comes to getting what she wants. But can she discover the truth about her enemy's identity before he makes good on his threat to shine a spotlight into the darkest parts of her past?