The third book in the John Stauber & Linda Lavaque Murder Mysteries Series.
The man lying in the morgue was definitely dead. And yet John Stauber found himself carrying on a conversation with him...
“But how do you know who I am? You can't know that.”
John sighed.
“Let me give it a try. You're with the FBI, or, rather, the BOI, the Bureau of Investigation. Your name is Lionel Cromwell and you went down with the Morning Star in nineteen twenty-three.”
Agent Cromwell's mouth dropped open and John could see the man's faculties beginning to shut down.
Obviously John had shocked the hell out of him.
“How " how could you know...?”
“Fingerprints? But " but how did you get my fingerprints?”
“They were taken off your body. After you were shot dead a few days ago out on Park Point.”
“What? You mean they kill me? I'm dead...?”
“Look...none of this is making any sense. You're dead. You're on a slab in the morgue even as we speak. So... how is it I'm talking to you right now?”
Have you read the other John Stauber books? They are still available:
LATENT LIVES (book 1) - go to:
SOVEREIGN NATION (book 2) - go to: