The Stranger is an epic three-part story that spans the history of vampires, from the slaying of their King in ancient Jerusalem, to their current day presence, skulking in the seedy alleys and byways of New York City.
Jeff Burns, ruthless vampire killer, has stumbled onto something huge. In the course of dispatching a particularly loathsome vampire named The Creep, Jeff intercepts an email exchange that refers to an ancient box, recently unearthed and shipped the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Creep's orders were clear: steal the box.
Drawn in to Jeff's quest to discover the mystery of the box is Eamon Diaz, a young film student who inadvertently kills his first vampire one night walking home with remnants of his broken baseball bat.
Revenge, lust, and a growing body count follow Jeff and Eamon as they make their way closer to the truth -- and nearer and nearer the ultimate source of evil.