"Who are you?" she whispered as she felt the full force of his magnetic power.
"Come home, dear Esmé, and forget all this nonsense. The Earthling Mark is unworthy of you. He betrays you at every opportunity. You've seen how he flirts with all the girls in sight."
Esmé's eyes filled with tears … and she felt again the bitter pangs of jealousy. "Yes," she said sadly.
"Come home, Esmé. … Come home and forget him."
… "Yes," she repeated in a whisper. "Yes, I will."
With Esmé in the power of the wizard Ignarius, whom she thinks is her father, Mark has a hard time ahead of him in his battle to save Lazaronia and its princess. And, to make matters worse, the wizard has brought Will Marksby -- a handsome 19-year-old Earthling -- to Lazaronia and has spelled Esmé into accepting him as the One Marked by Willow. Ignarius wants the Princess either married to Will or dead. And he's determined to try both.