Gobble! Gobble!A thunderous roar echoed through the Nebraska countryside. For twins, Kent and Kyle Morris there was only one turkey that could make the pictures on the wall rattle: Scarface!Hunting the old turkey wasn't the only thing on the minds of the twins. They were hunting, all right. But not only were they hunting for Scarface, they were hunting for something else:Treasure!And this wasn't going to be any ordinary treasure hunt.The map has secrets, dark and mysterious secrets. The map might lead the boys to an unbelievable treasure, but it also leads them to danger.Kyle and Kent soon realize that they aren't the only ones chasing the treasure, there someone else is willing to do whatever it takes to claim the prize.A violent storm coming to the quiet town of Bellsville. Can Kent and Kyle weather it? Will the boys unlock the mystery that surrounds the treasure chest? Will Kent finally get to put his cross hairs on Scarface? Or will the spring storms bring more trouble from the past?