Here begins Arthur's brilliant and annihilating South Saxon campaign, where he destroys the Saxons of the south coast weald in battle after battle. Yet does he push his cousin, Medraut, too far? Traitors begin to arise from within the ranks of his army as he takes his warriors to the limits of their endurance. With the success of his campaign, Arthur finds the time during a reign of peace to go home. To Siluria where he was born, and there find the last living souls of his mother's people; those who survive in the Bear Clan from their battles against Arthur's father, Uthyr Pendragon. And once home, the grief and the power that is his overwhelms him. Only Bedwyr can witness the suffering of his foster-brother and hold true at his side. Arthur's Army, charges the two young warriors into the sinister hearts of traitors and the glory of their own power. Power that brings consequences too dark to suffer.