ON THE VERY DAY THAT JACKY FABER is to wed her true love, Jaimy, she is kidnapped by British Naval Intelligence and forced to embark on yet another daring mission for the Crown -- this time to search for sunken Spanish gold.
Jacky, an expert swimmer, is enlisted to fill British coffers by diving to the ocean floor in a newly invented contraption. Disguised as Americans on a scientific mission, Jacky and her mates find more than they have bargained for in the warm waters off Havana: rollicking adventure, dangerous skirmishes with pirates and a Spanish warship, and treasure beyond their wildest dreams.
Jacky Faber has survived roaring battles on the high seas, the stifling propriety of a Boston finishing school, and even confinement in a dank French prison. But no adventure has quite matched her opportunistic street-urchin desires -- until now.