???Is this the fastest you can drive???? Bella said panicking, as they sped towards her family???s home. ???It is if you don???t want me to get a ticket.??? ???Your dad is the Sheriff, let them pull us over, there is something wrong, something very wrong. We only use those words when it is a life or death situation. Please, STEP ON IT!??? she was now close to screaming. Terick, understood her panic, and did as she requested and pressed the petal all the way to the floor. Unfortunately he didn't have a hot rod race car or anything, just a normal grey pick up, but he pushed her as far as she could go. He sped around all the twists and turns till he arrived at their nice big white house. Bella didn't wait for the truck to come to a complete stop before opening the door and jumping out. She jumped up the 4 steps leading to the front door in one giant leap and flew through the front door. She turned right and saw first her father, his back turned to her, his arms crossed, head down and face in his arms, and she could tell he was crying, his entire body shaking. ???Dad? Where???s mom and Holty? What happened???? she heard another muffled cry, and turned and saw her mother lying on the couch. Lizzie was on her back, with a pillow under her head, and 2 under her feet. She had a thin light pink sheet on her. She looked much better, but was very pale and weak. ???Mom!??? Bella squealed, running over to her. She kneeled down next to the couch, grabbing her mom???s hands, and laying her head gently on her shoulder. ???Are you okay mom???? she asked quietly. ???Yes, baby??? just very tired and weak?????? then her voice broke. ???Where???s Holty, is he feeling better???? hearing his name, both of her parents began sobbing again. This made a cold shudder run through Bella. ???What???s going on, please tell me, where is he? Can I see him? Where???s Meatball???? Meatball, hearing his name, came forward. He was laying on the other side of the couch next to Lizzie. He came up to Bella, and laid right on her lap. He was a big wolf, but still thought he was a lapdog. She pet him happily.