In a grim future filled with corruption, sadism and greed, MOSAIC is the uncompromising story of a man searching for a way out. In the ghetto-like annex of Stirling City, aptly titled City Hel, Mosaic is a cyborg-for-hire with a problem. Four years ago he thought he killed a dangerous psychotic who had murdered his best friend's sister. Now, the killer is back and destroying Mosaic's life--one eviscerated body at a time. To save the lives of his friends, Mosaic must find the killer and escape City Hel before time runs out. Kyle Hotz, the creator of this riveting tale, is one of the best, most detail-oriented artists in the industry today, and his storytelling skills match his artistic vision at every turn. If you missed this amazing series the first time around, now's your chance to learn why comic book legend Kelley Jones called MOSAIC “an instant classic.”