After his run-in with the yeti at the top of the world, Dustin McCord is taking some time off from mountain climbing and is back at the ranch in New Mexico. Tending to his sick dad, he passes up a trip with his partners to climb the Three Spiritual Brothers, which is forbidden in Bhutan. When his climbing buddies don't check in for several days, he is called upon to go look for them. Paired with a pretty blonde from Taos, Ash, who is his complete opposite in just about every way (but knows more about yetis than just about anybody alive), the duo gain entry into the country posing as a couple on their honeymoon. Soon they find themselves deep in the forbidden mountains of Bhutan, guided by Tengzing, the same Sherpa who guided Dustin on Everest. Worse, Dustin is certain that something is following. something he knows all too well.