On an Alaskan cruise, a beautiful young woman steers a treacherous course between heartbreak and happiness...
The Captain Of Her Heart...
When lovely Randy Halvorsen agreed to crew on a charter run of her grandfather's boat, she didn't realize the trouble she was letting herself in for. It wasn't the sometimes treacherous Alaskan water she had to fear, but handsome, Keir Morgan, the new captain.
Two weeks of watching Keir's entanglement with a beautiful woman passenger tried Randy's patience. Especially when, in spite of everything, she found herself falling in love with him. But how could she compete with a sophisticated New York journalist? There was only one solution--forget Keir. But though she could try to master her emotions, she couldn't control the future--and for Randy Halvorsen, love was waiting just beyond the next wave...
Hero: Keir Morgan
Heroine: Randy Halvorsen