On a flight from Dallas to New York, a private detective meets a gorgeous and enigmatic woman who resists all his attempts to plumb her depths. When the plane lands, the detective - our hero, Kinky Friedman - finds that he's still holding the woman's bright pink suitcase, which she asked him to watch, but the beautiful passenger has disappeared. Confident that he'll find the mystery woman again, Kinky holds on to the bag. Sure enough, she does turn up, but not before Kinky has excited the interest of an array of "suits" from the State Department, been party to a thwarted kidnapping attempt by Arab terrorists, and found a dead Israeli agent parked on the toilet of his downtown Manhattan loft.
Employing the able-bodied assistance of his usual sidekicks, the Village Irregulars, Kinky attempts to discover the secrets behind the many visitors to his loft, who include the suddenly affectionate woman from the plane and her very angry brother.