Attractive, discreet, twentysomething female to lure disillusioned clients back to matchmaking service. Good money. Dinners included.
Lucy Ladelle has big dreams--bigger than the tiny island in Boston Harbor where she's lived her entire life. But first she needs some moolah. So when a matchmaking service hires her as date bait, she jumps at the chance. She'll meet a few men, flatter their egos, and give them a sense of hope so they'll sign on as clients. It's only temporary...and, anyway, this counts as acting, right?
But Lucy's first "date" goes down the tubes when she's caught on tape by a sting-operation TV expose on the sketchy matchmaking firm. And Lucy's name--and fetching new sandals--are dragged through the mud. They practically accuse her of turning tricks...
The only bright spot comes when, in the ladies' room, she meets a larger-than-life woman who offers her a chance to audition for an actual Broadway show. Of course, the offer comes with a price. And before she knows it Lucy is juggling a surprising new romance and the professional chance of a lifetime--not to mention some very strange adventures...