Day of the Dead - a joyous celebration.Departed family members visit the homes of the living for two days of happy remembrance. Singing, prayers, fiestas, food, music, and elaborate altars celebrate the lives of loved ones.A demon invades the underworld, looking for a passageway to the realm of the living. He seeks the one true guide - Diego. Revenge fuels his hatred. Hatred singes his spirit. His spirit breathes words no one wishes to hear. Satadon must be avenged.Dark powers penetrate the windows between worlds. Monster spiders swarm the schools, possessed rattlesnakes roam Hellhole canyon. Phantoms appear everywhere, attacking Diego, Racquel, Lea, even Tia Kasandra, a mysterious woman from Mexico.Savagely dragged from the skies above earth, the Sol Dragones' scouts mysteriously disappear. Magnifico's army descends from the stars to save their soldiers. As the final battle unfolds, humans and dragons must fight together as never before.