In volume three of the “Forgotten Lore” series, the battle for the future of Voralis spreads beyond the borders of the human kingdom of Arresh. In the aftermath being kidnapped by a secret cult, Bredan Karras learns that the source of his magical powers is an ancient artifact of the Mai’i Empire, the Elderlore Libram. But the key to the vault that has held it secure for centuries is broken into three pieces, each held by one of the Three Kingdoms. Bredan and his friends must split up and travel to the elvish kingdom of Tal Nadesh and the dwarven kingdom of Ironcrest in order to reunite the Shattered Key. But the dark forces behind the invasion of Arresh are still working behind the scenes, and an unpleasant welcome awaits the diplomatic parties seeking to reforge both the Key and the old alliance between the kingdoms.