Scourge of the Coast is the first entry in a new series set in the world of “Forgotten Lore.” The southeastern coast of the continent of Voralis is an isolated and harsh place. The Angyar Gyenn have long eked out a sparse existence in their scattered villages and fortified holds. The storm dwarves are used to adversity, but they are not prepared for a new storm that is coming, an invasion by the orcs of the inland mountains, unified under a cruel and powerful warlord.Two stranded human sailors, a young dwarf acolyte, and an unwilling half-orc conscripted into the orc army are thrown together by chance when orc raiders seize the coastal village of Rock Harbor. While trying to escape with their lives, these four must uncover and confront a darker secret behind the orc invasion, one that could spell doom not only for the Angyar Gyenn, but for all the people of Voralis.