Free from his torturers and with new information in hand, Sean must find the man behind the massive weapons project that may change the world as we know it. Using all of his skills and abilities, he is going to have to fight harder than ever before if he wants to take this man down. Can Sean take out his target, save the world from disaster and walk away in one piece? Download to find out now!
# Content:
- Assassin (3,000 word story)
- Body Counter (Hired #1 [Promotional Story])
- Word Count: 7,700 words
- Page Count: 40 Standard Book Pages
# Assassin (Spy Espionage Series #4)
Sean has a lead on the location of a man that he suspects is behind a project that may cause havoc in on the world scene if realized. The information leads him from contact to contact as he goes in search of his target. Soon he finds himself facing off with the soldier Rick and his nemesis Mr. White. Can he survive the fight for his life that is coming, and will he be able to take out his target? Download now to find out!
# Other Titles In This Series:
- North Korean Nuke (Story #1)
- Russian Team (Story #2)
- North Korean Nuke and Russian Team (Combined Story Pack)
- Trapped (Story #3)
- Assassin (Story #4)
- Trapped and Assassin (Combined Story Pack)
- Spy: The Collection (Stories 1-4)