At The Beep...
"Tracy, are you there? It's me..."
...Kate. Okay, first off--I'm coming to your party in a bra that makes my breasts look like headlights, but at least they distract from my bloated stomach. Second, if I have to hang out with more lawyers tonight, I won't be responsible for what I say after the fourth drink. Last, no matter who you're trying to set me up with--and yes, you are--unless he gives me The Vibe, it's a no go...
"Kate, put down the microwave popcorn. It's me..."
...Tracy. Your best friend, remember? I so don't believe in that whole "Vibe" thing. Look at Tom--he didn't give off major sparks, but he's reliable and nice and, well okay, he checks his watch during sex and if you ever repeat that I'll kill you, but the point is, we're engaged now. And really, really happy. I think...
...Leave A Message
"Tracy, I am an embarrassment to women..."
Just tell me I didn't come off last night as a cyber-stalker in a push-up bra. That guy was totally hot, but I couldn't get a read on The Vibe. Should I call him...or just wallow in self-pity and ice cream?
"Hey, Kate, can I tell you a secret?"
I got The Vibe. Only it wasn't Tom. So tell me--please--what do you do when you get the right Vibe...for the wrong guy?