Based on the Port St. Lucie Legend Back in the 1970s, a series of bizarre incidents occurred at what has since been known as "The Devil Tree." Beneath this ancient denizen, evil was wrought by a sick serial killer, calling upon forces most evil and dark. People were hung there ... and bodies buried there ... exhumed by the police. Overcome by superstition, some tried to cut down the tree, to no avail. Since then, it has stood in a remote section of a local park --- left to its own devices --- quiet in its eerie repose -- until now Best-selling psychological-thriller author Keith Rommel has imagined the whole tale anew. He's brought the tree to life and retold the tale with gory detail only possible in a fiction novel. Action-packed, with spine-tingling detail, this thriller is beyond parallel in the ground it uncovers ... one author's explanation of what may have really been said -- what may have really happened -- under Port St. Lucie's "Devil Tree." What others are saying: "The Devil Tree blankets you in dread from the start and then proceeds to smother you." - Jason Brant, Best Selling author of The Hunger series. "Rommel has taken what was already a spooky legend and amped up the scares. Crackling dialogue, terrifying secrets, a Satanic aura and a mystery that should be left alone. The Devil Tree will give you shivers " - Hunter Shea, author of Tortures of the Damned and The Montauk Monster. "'The Devil Tree' is a ton of bloody fun. It's a gripping and terrifying tale with a razor sharp supernatural edge. Keith Rommel delivers a fast-paced, chilling horror story that pulls no punches. Beware the woods." - Jack Campisi, Co-Host of the Monster Men horror video podcast