Dave Harris is a scientist living aboard the Alley, a military space station where he carries out hyperfield experiments. The technology to harvest energy from hyperspace saved humanity from extinction thirty years ago, and Dave's research is at the cutting edge of hyperfield technology.
Just as Dave's experiments make progress, an accident engulfs the Alley in a whirlwind of chaos and mysterious forces, leading Dave to a disturbing discovery: his work has uncovered the energy behind psychic powers -- something horribly dangerous for a mindless machine to be spreading amongst the humans in the Alley.
While the hours slip by, crew members are going insane at a frightening pace and Dave's mind becomes clouded by horrifying visions. As he sorts through the aftermath of the disaster, Dave realizes that it wasn't a singular event and if he can't fight the impending madness, there is one certainty: the Alley will be destroyed, along with everyone in it.