Location: Darkened, broken terrain with downed trees.
Setting: A Drow High Priestess flees her pursers effortlessly, the malice in her green eyes merely a reflection of the evil that courses through her barely covered body.
Action: she stepped out into nothing, a scream of anguish was torn from her rather sensual, pouty lips.
Two dissenting henchmen, obligated to help all adventuring parties, issue correct information, and spells or items that any adventuring party would need, begin to question their lot in the Game. Seeking confirmation for their choice to desert the DM, it appears their prayers are answered when a scantily clad Drow woman falls unconscious into their camp in such a ‘killer' outfit that she must be evil; good girls just don't wear knee high black stiletto boots. Will her powers of persuasion cause them to turn minion? Or can a change in clothes truly determine your calling as a character?
A tale of the Lost and Forlorn