Murder aboard the Overland Limited...
It is the summer of 1898. Professor Concordia Wells is eager to accompany her friend, Pinkerton detective Penelope Hamilton, on a cross-country train trip to San Francisco. Breathless vistas and exciting locales will be a welcome change from a fiancé impatient to set a wedding date and the threat of revenge from the remaining Inner Circle members back in Hartford.
But Concordia should know there is no such thing as a free ride. When the Pinkerton Agency switches assignments at the last minute, she and Miss Hamilton have their work cut out for them. Fellow passengers prove to be both help and hindrance: a lady reporter in hiding, a con man...and a corpse or two. Then there is the handsome gentleman with the dark hair, green eyes, and a secret agenda of his own. Good thing Concordia is an engaged lady. Or is it?
Praise for the Concordia Wells Mysteries:
The exquisitely plotted mystery will keep you turning the pages well into the night, and the richness of the world will keep you thinking about the story long after you put it down. ~Janice Hamrick, award-winning author of Death Makes the Cut
...finely wrought historical details that make the reader feel totally at home...truly a delight to read. I'll definitely be awaiting more adventures of the intrepid Miss Wells. ~Martha Powers, award-winning author of Conspiracy of Silence and Death Angel
As long as K.B. Owen keeps writing Concordia Wells mysteries, I'll keep reading them. ~Marcy Kennedy, editor and SFF author