Bugeisha Dreams is a thrilling tale of the Warring Period of feudal Japan. After many tragedies, woman warrior Junko and her sophisticated twin sister inherit their ancestral land from their samurai father. Caretakers of the surrounding peasant villages and farms, they must fend off the underhanded advances of a neighboring daimyo. The sister only wants to hand over their property in exchange for a treasure, but Junko would rather fight for their rightful ownership. While her samurai spirit is full of ancestral courage, her weakness for sake often fails her. When a stranger from a foreign land shows up with magical curative powers, he brings new strength into Junko's life, once again instilling the power to fight. But at what cost? With cunning and with sword, Junko battles both the ghosts of her family's past and the power of the present. But will she live to see the future?