Elizabethan England is swirling with panic and paranoia, as the enterprising Susanna, Lady Appleton, sets out to save her former nemesis from being burned at the stake...
Face Down Under The Wych Elm
Wealthily widowed and fiercely independent, Susanna is occupied keeping an ardent suitor at arm's length when she learns that a gentlewoman has been accused of bewitching local men to death. Though the unfortunate soul, Constance Crane, was once the mistress of Susanna's late husband, Lady Appleton nobly sets out to save the doomed prisoner. Ignoring a storm of superstition and suspicion, the competent herbalist soon deduces that the victims weren't hexed, but poisoned. Now, aided by her dauntless maid, Jennet, Susanna must race against time to prove that someone far more sinister than the so-called sorceress is behind the murders...