Was Love Enough To Keep Them Together?
As she journeyed across the northern frontier to join her fiance, Lauren often thought of the hardships she would face as the wife of a Canadian Mountie. But she never imagined that her first challenge would be her own betrothed, for Adam McPhail now seems distant, cautious, not the same loving suitor who won her heart two years before. Shaken and confused, Lauren wonders if the marriage she's dreamed of has ended before it has begun.
Though Adam yearns to take Lauren in his arms and never let her go, he can't find the words to say what is in his heart. His joy at having her close again is shadowed by his fear of what lies ahead. For Adam knows that the life of a Mountie is filled with danger -- and his new assignment will take them deep into the wilderness. How can he ask the woman he loves to endure that with him? And yet, how can he face it without her by his side?