Amanda Todham has a nightmare of attending a party where Earl Batters, a powerful political figure, threatens her life and plots terrorism, and Senator Rodney Todd Todham, her husband, makes love to a Russian spy. Turns out her dream is real, a paranormal out-of-body experience. It looks like the end of her marriage, if not of her very life.Mrs. Bell, the friendly witch next door, learns of her strange new power and invites her to join her book club/coven. She meets the other witches.Mrs. Bell says she reads auras, Zoe says she can ride a broom, Destiny says she can turn men to frogs, Sybil claims to see events as they are happening, and Mary Grace disappears completely, whether she wants to or not. Amanda thinks they are all mad.Nevertheless she must join these ladies, first of all to protect herself from her husband, who wants to have her committed, then to protect herself from Earl Batters, who wants to have her killed, and last, most difficult, and most important, to save the seven cities menaced by Earl Batters' plot.