Sassafras Tales in gray scale: This edition of "The United Acres of Sassafras," is in gray scale. You can color the illustrations if you want. The story is the same. Duke-The-Chameleon is dropped on the lawn of Queeny's Limestone Palace by a goldfinch on migration. Duke-The-Chameleon changes colors according to his surroundings and emotions. When Duke is sad, he goes to his crying rock, turns blue, and plays his harmonica. He turns bright red when he is agitated or angry. Skeetle-The-Beetle has a magic backpack that rattles when it has something important in it. The outlandish whims of Queeny-The-Mouse send Skeetle and Duke on a scary adventure to The Black Mud Swamp to fetch a ruby for her tiara. Hezzra-The-Centipede is Duke's enemy. He crawls on the ceiling of the dungeon and pricks Duke's feet as he takes orders from the queen. When Skeetle and Duke get to The Black Mud Swamp, they find a group of bullfrogs who play Tic, Tac, Toe on the lily pads all day. Skeetle and Duke must solve a riddle before Babble-The-Bullfrog will tell them how to get to The Ruby Chamber. The Ruby is guarded by Winter-The-Black-Widow-Spider. The Ruby has an evil power that almost destroys everyone in The United Acres of Sassafras.